
Understanding and interpreting the Bible is an important issue for any Christian as well as a theologian who knows a lot about the Bible. But why are there so many different interpretations of the same Bible verse? Is there any standard of interpretation that all Christians can refer to? What is the basis for judging which interpretations are correct and which interpretations are wrong?
This book, which establishes a firm foundation for correct interpretation of the Bible and comprehensively deals with the philosophical and technical issues involved in Bible interpretation, answers the above questions while keeping in mind the easygoing approach of the modern church to the interpretation of the Bible. . In addition, it contains not only the theory of interpretation of the history of interpretation, but also the practical and application examples of interpretation, which will be the basis for establishing Christological hermeneutics on top of objective and scientific biblical hermeneutics.
■ Introduction to Korean version
■ Introduction / God's Word and Human Understanding: What's the Problem?

Part I ● Interpretation and Presupposition

Chapter 1 Truth, Language, and Sin
Pillars of Understanding: Truth
Means of Understanding: Language
Obstacles to Understanding: Sin

Chapter 2: The Knowledge of God: Presuppositions for the Bible and Creation
Is the Bible the Word of God
is the bible true
Is the Bible unity?
bible and world

Chapter 3 Foundations and Frameworks: Presuppositions and Interpretations
premise and method
tradition and church
Holy Spirit: Final Interpreter

Part 2 ● Interpretation Theory

Chapter 4 The Church and Interpretation of the Bible
The Early Church: Martyrs Justin and Irenaeus
The Growing Church: Origen and Theodore
Middle Ages: Aquinas
The Reformation: Luther and Calvin
The 'Modern' Church: From Schleiermacher to Bultmann
Chapter 5 The Grammatic-Historical Method: The Original Meaning
Meaning and Understanding: Semantics
culture and understanding
context and understanding
genre and understanding

Chapter 6: Unveiling: Today's Meaning
history and beyond
typology and 'full meaning'
The Bible interprets itself
The history of redemption and the present

Part 3 ● Practical Interpretation

Chapter 7 Study of God's Word
spiritual preparation
verse analysis
Understanding the Bible in its own terms
Priority of interpretation
two examples

Chapter 8 Genres of the Bible
theological history

Chapter 9 The Bible in Worship and Witness
Bible Words and Worship
Bible Words and Evidence

Chapter 10 Bible Words and Guidance
Guidance must be done in context
What is 'God's will'?
obedience to God
Understanding God and His Way
Understanding God's Sovereignty


What is the meaning of Appendix A?
author's intention
independent text
Reader's reaction

General description and evaluation
'academic' methods

■ State
■ Translator's review
■ People Index
■ scripture index